Stimulate Regional Community Prosperity (RCP)

Frontier’s Role: Frontier will provide technical assistance to regional public and private organizations by identifying project funding options, strategic planning support, and guidance navigating state/federal requirements.

Key Partners

Regional City Councils
City Administrators
County Commissions
City Water Managers
Idaho Rural Partnership
Idaho DEQ

Possible Funding Sources


Objective RCP1:
Expand and improve community infrastructure

  1. Advocate for the creation of asset mapping tools that will allow communities to determine/understand local resources and competitive advantages.
  2. *Pursue local, state, and federal funding to increase quality of life with infrastructure improvements including broadband, wastewater, water, roads, parks, downtowns, or other aging infrastructure issues.
  3. Identify approaches for communities to expand access to faster broadband.
  4. Facilitate exploration of fixed route and on-demand public transportation opportunities for the Wood River Valley and Twin Falls/Jerome economic centers, including preliminary route discussions.
  5. Create a regional energy assessment inventory with focus on renewable energy capabilities.
  6. Promote assessment of water/wastewater capacities to identify the gaps and potentials of the region’s municipal systems for accommodating growth of our industrial base.

Objective RCP2:
Provide resources for community members to lead productive, prosperous, and meaningful lives.

  1. *Ensure access to health care for vulnerable populations (rural, homebound, economically disadvantaged, Veterans, Seniors).
  2. Provide funding opportunities for Emergency Medical Service, Fire Departments, and Law Enforcement departments to build capacity.
  3. Publicize community data to draw attention to underserved, disadvantaged, and sensitive populations within the region.
  4. Collaborate with communities to ensure vulnerable populations have easy access to affordable housing, mental health services, transportation, and other quality of life services.
  5. Encourage the development of diverse travel options through adoption of electric vehicle charging stations, bike lanes, and walkable community infrastructure.
  6. Support the developed on adequate housing opportunities that are right-sized and right-priced for all income levels.
  7. Participate in strategic plan alignment by participating n 44Go! initiatives.
  8. Promote community connectivity to combat loneliness, depression, and suicide.
  9. Engage with national organizations to strengthen and expand access to economic development tools (NADO, CDFA, NADCO).

Objective RCP3:
Facilitate community planning efforts in land use.

  1. *Promote the assessment and cleanup of Brownfield properties through community outreach and financial assistance.
  2. Encourage coordination between jurisdictions when updating individual comprehensive plans to mitigate development conflicts.
  3. Utilize and encourage energy efficient building practices for public and private development projects.

Objective RCP4:
Encourage the development of innovative water-use policies.

  1. Explore opportunities and mechanisms to promote innovative community water-use policies, such as aquifer recharge and water recycling.
Rinard Media utilized financing options through Frontier Community Resources to revitalize a 100 year old building in downtown Twin Falls. Functionality was improved upon while preserving the historic features, allowing Rinard Media to grow as an organization.
Photo: City of Rupert Historic Town Square at Christmas. In 1987, Rupert was named “Christmas City USA.” Photo courtesy of City of Rupert

Annual Report Open For Comment

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